The Voice of Conscience is a project conceived by designer Angus Noble and being developed by Angus, sculptor/musician/composer Marcus Vergette and myself.
We want the Voice of Conscience to be a national schools campaign which will encourage children to think about, discuss, and develop work on the meaning of conscience in the world today.
The project will involve school children collecting 3million 2p coins which will be used to by 20 tons of bronze to cast a large bell sculpture, The Voice of Conscience.
Children will be asked to submit poems, prose, stories and art to the Voice of Conscience website - some of this work will be displayed on screens that are part of bell's supporting structure. Schools will also be invited to create their own Voice of Conscience bells, some of which will be incorporated into the structure surrounding the main bell.
The Voice of Conscience will be displayed in city centres around the UK and in London during the Olympics. At the end of the Olympics the bell will be auctioned.
School children who participated in the project will discuss and then vote upon how the money raised from auctioning the bell should be spent of educational projects for underprivileged children.
We are currently looking for funding and developing a website which will contain quotes about conscience, art work relating to conscience and educational material for teachers and students.
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